Motorized Variable Wheel Attenuator
Motorized Variable Wheel Attenuator
Motorized Variable Wheel Attenuator
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10MWA168 - Motorized Variable Wheel Attenuator
Motorized Variable Wheel Attenuator
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Filter diameter - Ø20/ Ø25.4mm
Clear aperture Ø18 / Ø23 mm
Non parallel filters (inclined by 4°)
Maximum thickness of filters - 4 mm
Motorised Closed Variable Wheel Attenuator
Open Variable Wheel Attenuator
Closed Variable Wheel Attenuator
Control program using 8SMC5-USB controller Xilab interface

Motorized Variable Two Wheels Attenuators 10MWA168 consists of two filter wheels. Each wheel contains eight filter mounts of ØD mm with clear aperture of Ød mm. Each mount is inclined by 4 degrees to prevent mutual reflections between filters. We supply the attenuator 10MWA168-20 with a standard, most popular, set of filters. See the table below. Alternatively, optics could be manufactured to individual orders. Or we could supply the attenuator without filters, which you can fit by yourself. 10MWA168-1 model comes WITHOUT filters. You bring a filter of each wheel into the optical path easily by hand or using automation. A single step motor drives the two wheels. A computer can operate the filter attenuator via a controller. Controllers are sold separately. For fastening, the attenuator has clearance slots for M6 and M4 screws. There are also two M6 holes, and one M4 hole (opposite to one of the M6 holes). Material: black anodized aluminium.

Transmittance of filters in the standard 20 mm set
Wheel 1 Wheel 2
Computer software
1 1
0 0
0.9 0.8
0.5 0.3
0.1 0.03
0.01 0.003
0.001 0.0003
0.0001 0.00003

Software support

- Control of single stepper motor with two wheels and up to 8 filters in every wheel
- Operation in transmittance mode
- Program chooses the best combination of filters for required transmittance
- Transmittance values of each filter can be entered manually

Software Xilab Software XiLab used with controller 8SMC5-USB has integrated filter wheel control functionality designed to control STANDA motorized filter attenuators. Motorized filter attenuators can be used in all kinds of optical circuitry where variable transmittance has to be achieved. Program allows you to easily change transmittance in attenuators 10MWA168, 10MCWA168 and 8MRU-1-WA. Just enter transmittance value, and the program will select the most suitable filters. Or you can select the filters directly. The simple interface allows you to use the program right away. All of our software works only with our controllers. Controller software can be downloaded for the majority of operating systems, e.g., Windows, Mac OS X, Linux etc.

STANDA’s Stepper Motor Controller
24V/36V power supply.

Step angle1.8°
Step angle accuracy5 minutes
Required electrical power5.6 W
10MWA168-200.61 kg
10MWA168-10.65 kg
Ordering Information
Model Filters  
10MWA168-1 -
10MWA168-20 included
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