Lasers & Laser Accessories
Lasers & Laser Accessories
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STANDA in Lithuania
STANDA P.BOX 2684 , 03001 Vilnius 9 P.O., Lithuania
Phone +370 5 2651474, Fax +370 5 2651483
E-mail: sales@standa.LT
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Lasers & Laser Accessories
Master Oscillator Power Amplifier Laser System
STA-MOPA - Master Oscillator Power Amplifier Laser System

200-500ps Pulses in TEM00, 1Hz-50kHz Repetition Rate, Output Power up to 5W

DPSS Active Q-switched Lasers
Active Q-switched Laser
STANDA-Q1 - Active Q-switched Laser

Sub-nanosecond, wavelength 1064 nm, pulse energy 70 µJ, Jitter ≤90 ps

Active Q-switched Laser
STANDA-Q10 - Active Q-switched Laser

Wavelength 1064 nm, low jitter (≤350 ps), repetition rate 10 kHz , TEM00 and SLM

Active Q-switched Laser
STANDA-Q1SH671 - Active Q-switched Laser

Wavelength of 671nm; single pulse energies up to 20uJ are available in less than 200ps

DPSS Passive Q-switched Lasers
Passive Q-Switched Laser
STA-01-YLF - Passive Q-Switched Laser

1047 nm, 500 ps, peak power 1 MW, TEM00 and SLM

Passive Q-Switched Laser
STA-01 Yb:YAG - Passive Q-Switched Laser

Mostly suitable for Yb-doped fiber amplifiers seeding, can be usefull in other fields...

Micro Laser Nd:LSB
STA-01 - Micro Laser Nd:LSB

1064 nm wavelength micro lasers family produce short pulses at high repetition rates, and of a high peak power.

Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Solid-State Micro Laser
STA-01SH - Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Solid-State Micro Laser

532 nm wavelength micro lasers with short pulses, high peak power together with high reliability.

Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
STA-01-7-OEM - Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser New!

Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Solid-State Micro Laser
STA-01-OEM - Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Solid-State Micro Laser

355 nm, 266 nm wavelength Third and Fourth harmonics

Single Shot Pulsed Laser
STA-01-7 OM - Single Shot Pulsed Laser

Pulse delay time <5 µs, wavelength 1062.5 nm, single pulse energy up to 20 µJ is available for 2 ns pulses

DPSS CW Micro Lasers
CW Microchip Laser
STA-01CW - CW Microchip Laser

1064 nm and 532 wavelength micro lasers

Microchip Laser
STA-02-SH-CW - Microchip Laser

wavelength 532 nm, power 10mW - 30 mW

Lasers for Industry
DPSS Nd:YAG Q-Switched Laser
STA-IN-532/20 - DPSS Nd:YAG Q-Switched Laser

532 nm with 20 W output power and 75 ns pulses in TEM00

Laser Safety
Beam Dump
10BD - Beam Dump

Air and Water-cooled Beam Dumps are designed to block CW or a pulsed laser beam.

Water-Cooled Beam Dump
10BDWC01-2 - Water-Cooled Beam Dump

When air cooling just isnt enough

Water Cooling System
12WCS1 - Water Cooling System

Water-cooled base for laser heads

Laser Beam Shutters
8MDS - Laser Beam Shutters

Fast mechanical motorized laser beam shutters

Laser Safety Glasses, Goggles, Spectacles
CTL-21 - Laser Safety Glasses, Goggles, Spectacles

Professional, comfortable, provide excellent visibility.

Laser Accessories
Pockels Cell Driver
STA-PCD-1 - Pockels Cell Driver

High-voltage pulse is formed by a symmetrical, bipolar output in «Switch-On» operational mode

Laser Beam Visualizer
10VIZ-35 - Laser Beam Visualizer

Put it into a laser beam to visualize radiation. For CW or pulsed laser radiation with wavelength 880-1070 nm.

Universal Magnetic Drive Micropump with Inner Reservoir
10MPIR1 - Universal Magnetic Drive Micropump with Inner Reservoir

Variable Speed Drive. Inner Reservoir. Chemical inertness. Wetted parts: teflon, nylon, polyamide. Hermetical

Laser Diode Driver
FBC1LD - Laser Diode Driver New!

Laser Diode Driver
STAD-01 - Laser Diode Driver

With two channel temperature controller. Operation in CW or pulsed (optional) mode.

Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
Fast delivery
Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

Standa is having a continuous sale of discontinued products and stock overflow. New products for sale are added regularly.

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New Products
8-0240 - Granite Gantry Ultra-Precision XYZ Positioning System
Granite Gantry Ultra-Precision XYZ Positioning System Positioning range XY - 1000x1300 mm, Y - 90 mm with absolute whole system accuracy ±1.5 µm or better
8-0143 - Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal) With integrated pneumatic collet chuk
8MTLF300XY - XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 300x300 mm travel range
8MT200XY - XY Positioning Stage (Planar)
XY Positioning Stage (Planar) 200x200 mm travel range; stepper or BLDC motors, rotary & linear encoders.
STA-01-7-OEM - Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
8-0165 - Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
8MVT45-13 - Vertical Precision Motorized Stage: "Compact Z-Axis Positioner"
Vertical Precision Motorized Stage: 13 mm travel, 3.5 kg load capacity, 10 mm/s max. speed, 40x50 mm footprint.
8MTTR75-3 - 4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
And More...
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