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STANDA in Lithuania
STANDA P.BOX 2684 , 03001 Vilnius 9 P.O., Lithuania
Phone +370 5 2651474, Fax +370 5 2651483
E-mail: sales@standa.LT
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Coming Shows
Laser Optics 2016 2016 06 27

The Laser Optics Conference is the traditional international event, organized in the field of laser physics, quantum electronics, photonics, and optical engineering.

The LO’2016 technical program includes selected topic symposia, plenary, parallel and poster sessions over five days. Distinguished plenary and invited speakers will present the state-of-the-art of laser physics, photonics and optical engineering.

27 June – 1 July 2016

Holiday Inn St. Petersburg,
Moskovskye Vorota, St. Petersburg, Russia

Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
Fast delivery
Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

Standa is having a continuous sale of discontinued products and stock overflow. New products for sale are added regularly.

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New Products
8-0143 - Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal) With integrated pneumatic collet chuk
8MVT25-6 - Miniature Vertical Motorized Translation Stage
Miniature Vertical Motorized Translation Stage 6 mm (1/4") travel, 0.5 mm/s max. speed, resolution up to 0.125 µm, ultra-lightweight.
8MIDV - Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
8MTL300 - Direct Drive Linear Translation Stage
Direct Drive Linear Translation Stage 400 mm travel range; for loads up to 150 kg; dust & spray protected
FBC1LD - Laser Diode Driver
Laser Diode Driver
8MTL20XY - XY Precision Compact Planar Tables
XY Precision Compact Planar Tables 20x20 mm travel range
And More...
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