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STANDA in Lithuania
STANDA P.BOX 2684 , 03001 Vilnius 9 P.O., Lithuania
Phone +370 5 2651474, Fax +370 5 2651483
E-mail: sales@standa.LT
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ICONO/LAT 2016 2016 09 26

ICONO 2016 - International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics. ICONO has a rich half a century tradition as the principal conference in Russia and the former Soviet Union in quantum electronics, basic research in lasers, nonlinear and quantum optics, quantum information and quantum computing, fundamental laser metrology, physics of high-power laser interactions with matter, and physics of nanostructures.

LAT 2016 - International Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies. LAT - conference, started just in 2002, complements the ICONO conference in a wide range of laser technologies and applications including laser device development, processing of advanced materials, optical information Technologies, biomedicine and ecology applications.

September 26-30, 2016

National Cultural Center "Minsk"
Minsk, Belarus

Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
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Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

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New Products
8MLAOM-1200 - Large Aperture Optical Mirror Gimbal Mount (Motorized, 2-Axis)
Large Aperture Optical Mirror Gimbal Mount (Motorized, 2-Axis) Designed for ≤1200 mm aperture optical mirrors
8MVT25-6 - Miniature Vertical Motorized Translation Stage
Miniature Vertical Motorized Translation Stage 6 mm (1/4") travel, 0.5 mm/s max. speed, resolution up to 0.125 µm, ultra-lightweight.
8MTL20XY-R - 3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage)
3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage) 20 x 20 mm linear & 360° rotary motion ranges. Low-profile, high speed.
8MTL20XY - XY Precision Compact Planar Tables
XY Precision Compact Planar Tables 20x20 mm travel range
5GTM-1 - 4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation
4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation ±4° angular range; ±2 mm precise XY linear displacement; lockable.
8-0146 - 4-Axis Direct Drive System
4-Axis Direct Drive System
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