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STANDA in Lithuania
STANDA P.BOX 2684 , 03001 Vilnius 9 P.O., Lithuania
Phone +370 5 2651474, Fax +370 5 2651483
E-mail: sales@standa.LT
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CLEO 2012 2012 05 08

Revered for its high quality, peer reviewed research, CLEO: 2012 bridges fundamental science all the way through to technology development and uses of technology and applications. CLEO: 2012 features a complete and up-to-date technical program under three core conferences. CLEO: Expo and Market Focus bring CLEO: 2012 full circle by highlighting the latest innovations and products as well as providing a forum to discuss marketplace trends and challenges.

CLEO: Expo showcases the latest products and applications from more than 300 participating companies. Participate in hands-on demonstrations of the latest market innovations and applications. The Expo also offers valuable on-floor technical programming such as Market Focus and Technology Transfer.

As the world’s most prestigious technical conference in the photonics industry, CLEO gathers in excess of 300 companies from around the globe introducing new products and demonstrating cutting-edge innovations. As an attendee, you can partake in exhibit floor activities and programs.

San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA, USA
8-10 May 2012
Hall 1 Booth 2113

Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
Fast delivery
Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

Standa is having a continuous sale of discontinued products and stock overflow. New products for sale are added regularly.

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New Products
8MIDV - Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
8MVT25-6 - Miniature Vertical Motorized Translation Stage
Miniature Vertical Motorized Translation Stage 6 mm (1/4") travel, 0.5 mm/s max. speed, resolution up to 0.125 µm, ultra-lightweight.
8MVT45-13 - Vertical Precision Motorized Stage: "Compact Z-Axis Positioner"
Vertical Precision Motorized Stage: 13 mm travel, 3.5 kg load capacity, 10 mm/s max. speed, 40x50 mm footprint.
8MTLF300XY - XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 300x300 mm travel range
8HEX280 - Hexapod Positioner
Hexapod Positioner Parallel kinematic system with ±0.5 μm repeatability
STA-01-7-OEM - Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
8-0169 - Rotating Multi-Axis Precision Positioning System
Rotating Multi-Axis Precision Positioning System
8-0165 - Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
8MTL300 - Direct Drive Linear Translation Stage
Direct Drive Linear Translation Stage 400 mm travel range; for loads up to 150 kg; dust & spray protected
8MRL122-16 - Vertical Direct Drive Precision Rotary Table (High-Load)
Vertical Direct Drive Precision Rotary Table (High-Load)
8MTL120XY - Planar XY Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
Planar XY Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 120x120 mm travel range, accuracy: ± 0.5 µm; low-profile,
8MLAM126V - Large Aperture Optical Mirror Mounts for Vacuum
Large Aperture Optical Mirror Mounts for Vacuum For optics Ø: 6", 7", 8", 235 mm. Two axis angular tilt range from ±1.5° to ±3°. For up to 10-6 Torr. High precision.
5GTM-1 - 4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation
4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation ±4° angular range; ±2 mm precise XY linear displacement; lockable.
8MTTR75-3 - 4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
8-0240 - Granite Gantry Ultra-Precision XYZ Positioning System
Granite Gantry Ultra-Precision XYZ Positioning System Positioning range XY - 1000x1300 mm, Y - 90 mm with absolute whole system accuracy ±1.5 µm or better
And More...
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