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TOPBIO 2013 11 01

The TOPBIO Network is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2009. The 4-year training and research network started the 1st of December of 2010 and will run until the 30st of November 2014.

Two-photon absorption is a photophysical process with diverse applications in engineering (microfabrication, 3D data storage and optical limiting) and medicine (photodynamic therapy and microscopy). Many of these applications will only have a significant impact when better dyes become available with stronger two-photon absorption as well as improved secondary properties (photostability, biocompatibility, etc).

TOPBIO aims, as a first initiative of this kind, to provide early stage researchers with training in many different aspects of this field by coupling together research groups with internationally recognised expertise in synthesis, molecular design, theory, photophysics and photobiology. TOPBIO aims not only to train ESR and ER in an interdisciplinary manner but also (by developing new generation of functional dyes and applying them in medicine) improve the quality of life in Europe. Moreover, by strengheting European two-photon absorption research, we anticipate to reinvigorate EU economy. The TOPBIO ITN will provide an excellent mechanism for promoting this interdisciplinary approach to graduate education, by exchanging PhD students on secondments between collaborating laboratories and through regular progress meetings of the whole network.

TOPBIO brings together experts from organic synthesis, nanotechnology, two-photon spectroscopy, photobiology, physics and imaging. It possess exceptional ratio of academic groups to private enterprises (2:1). The perfect match of complementary expertises, exceptional multidisciplinarity, high involvement of companies and addressing the real and timely needs of society will contribute to training the workforce which will be in high demand.

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Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
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Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

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