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STANDA in Lithuania
STANDA P.BOX 2684 , 03001 Vilnius 9 P.O., Lithuania
Phone +370 5 2651474, Fax +370 5 2651483
E-mail: sales@standa.LT
Standa in the World
Participation history
LIC Russia 2005 2005 03 04

The 7th International specialized equipment, technologies and materials for the laser optical and electronic industries exhibition LIC Russia (Lasers, Optics. Electronics).
Exhibition was held in Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Culture & Exhibition Centre on 1-4 of March, 2005

Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
Fast delivery
Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

Standa is having a continuous sale of discontinued products and stock overflow. New products for sale are added regularly.

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New Products
8MTL20XY-R - 3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage)
3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage) 20 x 20 mm linear & 360° rotary motion ranges. Low-profile, high speed.
FBC1LD - Laser Diode Driver
Laser Diode Driver
8HEX280 - Hexapod Positioner
Hexapod Positioner Parallel kinematic system with ±0.5 μm repeatability
8MTLF300XY - XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 300x300 mm travel range
8MIDV - Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
8MRL122-16 - Vertical Direct Drive Precision Rotary Table (High-Load)
Vertical Direct Drive Precision Rotary Table (High-Load)
8-0165 - Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
8MTLF250XY - Open Frame XY Linear Stages (Planar / Gantry, Direct-Drive, Mechanical-Bearings)
Open Frame XY Linear Stages (Planar / Gantry, Direct-Drive, Mechanical-Bearings) 250x250 mm travel range
8-0240 - Granite Gantry Ultra-Precision XYZ Positioning System
Granite Gantry Ultra-Precision XYZ Positioning System Positioning range XY - 1000x1300 mm, Y - 90 mm with absolute whole system accuracy ±1.5 µm or better
8MTL20XY - XY Precision Compact Planar Tables
XY Precision Compact Planar Tables 20x20 mm travel range
8MTL165-300 - Precision Linear Stage
Precision Linear Stage 300 mm travel range; for loads up to 50 kg; dust & spray protection
8MLAOM-1200 - Large Aperture Optical Mirror Gimbal Mount (Motorized, 2-Axis)
Large Aperture Optical Mirror Gimbal Mount (Motorized, 2-Axis) Designed for ≤1200 mm aperture optical mirrors
8MTTR75-3 - 4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
8-0143 - Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal) With integrated pneumatic collet chuk
5GTM-1 - 4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation
4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation ±4° angular range; ±2 mm precise XY linear displacement; lockable.
And More...
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