8DCMC1-USB is a compact, low cost USB powered controller for brushed DC servo motors. 8DCMC1-USB module is the size of a usual key ring so you can put it directly on worktable without special mounting. This controller is a great solution for almost all compact DC brushed motors up to 6W that are equipped with encoder or potentiometer feedback. Multiple units can be connected to a single PC via standard external USB hub for multi-axis motion control applications. The 8DCMC1-USB utilizes well known FTDI virtual COM-port technology and supports Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 98, Linux, Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, Mac OS 8, Windows CE.NET etc. Included control software provides a fully featured suite of tools for Windows that allows immediate and easy out-of-the-box configuration and use of the 8DCMC1-USB. Using the software interface, you are able to select which controller in your system you want to control and then monitor the critical parameters.
USB powered
Up to 128 axis
Full featured Windows software included
Virtual serial port communication using FTDI drivers for Windows and for other OS